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How To Get Rid Of Garlic Smell

How to Get Rid of Garlic Breath

Garlic: The Health Benefits

Garlic is a staple ingredient in many cuisines around the world. It adds a delicious flavor to food, and it also has a number of health benefits. Garlic has been shown to boost immunity, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer.

But the one thing that garlic isn't so good for? Your breath.

Garlic breath can be a major turn-off, and it can make it difficult to get close to someone. The good news is, there are several simple yet effective ways of banishing garlic breath.

Brush your teeth.

Chew on parsley or mint.

Drink a glass of milk.

Eat an apple.

Rinse your mouth with water.

Gargle with mouthwash.

Eat a yogurt.

Take a probiotic supplement.

If you have persistent garlic breath, it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as a sinus infection or acid reflux. See your doctor if you're concerned.
